Marketing Bridge Club & Radio Ad Professionals — We’ll do it for you!
The mission of the Marketing Bridge Club is to generate and sustain long-term, deep budget advertiser investments for your station group.
- Your local advertisers will become firm believers in the power of radio to achieve their personal and business growth goals. This belief will result in major long-term investments in radio advertising.
- Your sales team will witness the miracle of creating advertiser understanding and belief in the power of radio advertising.
- Your sales team will be introduced to the Marketing Bridge Club, the RAP Webucation, the Value Story process and the establishment of the annual budget.
Important note: The Marketing Bridge Club and RAP Webucation that seek larger annual investments in radio advertising from local accounts are not meant to replace any income from community events, station promotions, sports, online broadcasting, internet services or other seasonal or “good idea” events. These promotions and events are not only major income producers, they help to support building a community and attract listenership. In fact, the 20% of core long-term, base-budget advertisers will also want, and should be encouraged, to participate in your community and station promotions.
Now we invite you to
Meet the Marketing Bridge Club team of Radio Advertising Professionals!
Call or e-mail Van Coker if you’d like Hire The Pros to go to work for you in your market. Van’s e-mail: