The RAP Webucation

RAP Videos are Talking to the Advertiser

The RAP Webucation program consists of 28 video programs listed below. These programs are from 3 to 16 minutes in length. Most are followed by a test of the information just viewed. The tests are short and designed to demonstrate the sales rep’s understanding of the important concepts in the preceding video. Total video viewing time is a little less than 4 hours.

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The investment in the RAP Webucation is $248 per salesperson.

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  • Full online access for the RAP graduate to the course videos for 12 months.
  • FREE updates of current video programs and access to all new videos added during the first 12 months.
  • FREE phone, e-mail or webinar support to answer any questions, or address any problems or concerns about the effective use of the concepts for account development for the first 12 months.
  • FREE!  Upon completion of the course, participant will receive a RAP certificate.
  • FREE!  An invitation to join the private Facebook Page to share ideas and successes with other Radio Advertising Professionals.

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The Radio Advertising Professional Course

Marketing Basics

The Battlefield (3 min.)

The battlefield is the mind of the consumer. Your client’s business or professional practice wins or loses on this battlefield. The decision to buy your products or services is made first in the mind of the consumer. You must intrude, penetrate or get inside the minds of your most profitable prospects.

The Marketing Bridge (8 min.)

Marketing is the process of attracting and keeping customers. Advertising cannot replace any other selling function or compensate for any weakness of the Marketing Bridge. In fact, advertising may really be a test of your client’s Marketing Bridge.

Advertising Communication Process (7 min.)

Advertising does not build floor traffic, sell merchandise, or increase sales. Advertising’s only selling function is to communicate. What it communicates wins or loses the battle for the consumer’s mind.

The Buying Funnel (7 min.)

The Buying Funnel demonstrates your client’s need for long-term and consistent advertising. Your client’s advertising decisions should coincide with the way his/her customers, clients or patients make their buying decisions.

Radio — Weapon of Choice

The Weapon of Choice (9 min.)

Most advertisers perceive all media as performing the same function. They will often say, “Advertising is advertising no matter what medium is used.” This is false. All media are different. All media offer different strengths and weaknesses. This video shows the local advertiser why radio is our medium of choice.

The Power of Radio (8 min.)

The Power of Radio program is a montage of comments from the Shepherd Group ownership, management, sales reps and clients talking about their belief in the Warner Concept System. When you finish this course, you will believe as they do. While it is important that you believe in the power of radio, it is critical that your radio client believes in, and uses, these concepts and the Warner Concept System.

The Shepherd Group billed $325,000 in 1967 in Moberly, Missouri, a community of 13,000. They were considered the most successful small market stations in America. Warner Concepts partnered with Jerrell Shepherd and the Shepherd Group in 1969. Three years later their Moberly stations billed 1.4 million. Dave Shepherd, Jerrell’s son, took the stations to 2.6 million in 2006. Their Waynesville – Lebanon stations achieved billing of 2.5 million in 2006 under the leadership of Mike Edwards. This course was developed from the Warner Concept System information, strategies and techniques that catapulted these stations, their Radio Advertising Professionals and many others like them to incredible success.

The Concept and Your Success (17 min.)

The advertising clients in this program are long-term accounts…real people. We have selected these clients because they concentrated all or most of their budgets on radio. This means they can attribute their success to the exclusive use of radio advertising.

The Campaign

Value Story and Promotional Advertising (4 min.)

Value Story and Promotional Advertising defines and explains the difference between the two ad campaign strategies. Many small business owners try to compete with the lowest price. They work at providing the lowest bids on services. They never understand how creating a greater value allows them charge a higher price. With higher prices come greater profits and a growing, prosperous enterprise.

The Promotional Campaign (7 min.)

The Promotional Campaign is important even to those enterprises that do not use price or other buying incentives that appeal to the pocketbook. Smaller enterprises are tempted from time to time to run a special sale or some short term buying incentives. This program will demonstrate the on-air ad schedules required to assure maximum consumer response to promotional events.

The Value Story Campaign (7 min.)

The concept of creating an effective value story campaign is very simple. Whatever benefits attracts and keeps current customers, when accurately identified and communicated consistently on radio, will attract and keep new customers.

Value Story Homework (5 min.)

One of your jobs as a radio advertising professional is to guide the advertiser through the development of an effective ad campaign. This ad campaign objective is, “To attract new customers by communicating your client’s total value story to the total audience of your radio station(s).”

Value Story Interview (3 min.)

The Value Story Interview is an important tool for assuring the effective use of radio advertising. The purpose of this interview is to determine the major selling promises that are sufficiently compelling to attract new customers. The Value Story Interview should be conducted after your client’s internal marketing team members have done their Value Story homework.

The Sperry Campaign (12 min.)

All the information from the Value Story Homework and The Value Story Interview that leads to an effective Value Story Campaign will make sense when you view the Sperry Campaign program. As new products came on the market and new repair services were required, new ads were prepared and added to the basic campaign.

The Effective Use of Radio

Frequency Sells (6 min.)

Frequency Sells demonstrates the need for frequency to assure an effective and productive advertising campaign. Radio is referred to as the frequency medium. It’s one of the unique strengths of radio that supports our strong belief in radio advertising. But what we believe and what we can get our clients to believe may be miles apart.

Concentrate and Sell (8 min.)

The purpose the Warner Concept System is to convince the advertiser that radio can do 100% of the advertising job to be done. Your client’s belief in the power of radio to achieve his/her business goals equals your client’s budget or investment in your radio stations.

Create Centers of Influence (4 min.)

Radio’s intrusiveness penetrates the battlefield of the consumer’s mind. Your listeners get your client’s message whether they want it or not. This means your entire listening audience becomes centers of influence, an outside sales force that will magnify your client’s reach a hundredfold. Further, this can be done with any size budget.

Are You Winning?

Measurement (9 min.)

It’s easier and more effective to establish measurement standards before a long-term schedule begins than to save a cancellation from unrealistic measurements. To assure a thorough client understanding of measuring the advertising investment play this video for your new client before the schedule begins. It’ll save lots of headaches and questions later in the relationship.

Expectations (11 min.)

An advertiser’s expectations are the leading cause of cancellations and disappointment with advertising. The advertiser must accept full responsibility for improving every selling function of the Marketing Bridge that will attract and keep new customers for a lifetime. When client expectations match advertising’s and radio’s ability to perform you will enjoy a long and mutually-profitable partnership with your client.

Achieving Maximum Firepower

Your Budget Plan (6 min.)

We’ve all had the question posed by the advertiser, “How much should I budget for radio?” How do you answer that? If you attempt to answer that without first establishing a belief in radio advertising and knowing the advertiser’s business goals you will either recommend too little or too much.

Budgeting Firepower (6 min.)

Budgeting Firepower introduces a critical question. Not, “How little can I spend and still be effective?” but, “How much firepower can I bring to the marketplace?”

Comfort Zone Budgeting (5 min.)

Comfort zones play an important role in determining your client’s total annual advertising budget. The greater the client’s belief in radio to achieve his/her business goals the higher the percentage invested in radio. As a radio advertising professional your belief in the power of radio greatly influences your client’s belief.

Growth Budgeting (11 min.)

Growth budgeting is the most common of formal budgeting methods. It combines both a history of sales and anticipated growth. When you can offer a business-like system for budgeting you will gain the confidence of your client. Sales reps who just throw out a figure without any clear-cut system will risk losing their credibility.

Goal Budgeting (8 min.)

Enterprises that have no history or record of sales may prefer the Goal Budgeting method. When applying for a start-up business loan your banker will appreciate an additional request for advertising. It’s the act-as-if a business was experiencing a certain level of income, the goal for a year or more…then budgeting as if the income were a reality.

Budget Allocation

Budget Planning (6 min.)

Budget Planning includes the allocation of the total annual budget to value story advertising only, promotional advertising only or a combination of the two. It also includes the planning for client participation in station opportunities such as a booster club or community events sponsored by your station.

The Value Story Budget (9 min.)

The Value Story Budget addresses the weekly, monthly or quarterly budget distribution for value story advertising only. The concept is simple:  your client’s on-air scheduling should match or coincide with consumer buying decisions and purchasing patterns. When consumers are making their buying decisions your client should be making sales calls on your radio station asking for their business.

The Promotion Budget (10 min.)

There are many factors that should be considered for the proper budget recommendation for a particular promotion. How important is the promotion? What are the advertiser’s needs or expectations? What is the maximum firepower available for the event?

Preselling The Promotion (7 min.)

Preselling your client’s promotion is advertising the promotion for several days or weeks before it begins. The purpose of preselling is to assure maximum consumer participation in your client’s promotional event.

The Combination Budget (6 min.)

The combination budget covers the allocation and distribution process for major promotions, minor promotions, and Value Story advertising.

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